---Acabamos de recibir un ejemplar de la obra The Gibraltar Crusade. Castile and the Battle for the Strait, del profesor emérito de la Universidad Jesuítica de Nueva York, Fordham Univ., Joseph F. O'Callaghan. En este estudio, editado por la Universidad de Pennsylvania, se profundiza en el enfrentamiento que se produce en el Estrecho en el marco de la Reconquista, desde la cruzada africana de Alfonso X hasta 1492. Al hilo de la historia política se insertan algunos hechos compostelanos, como la peregrinación que realiza el monarca Sancho IV a Santiago. Aprovechamos, desde aquí, para agradecer al autor su amabilidad; la obra se incluirá en nuestra biblioteca de apoyo a investigadores. Para los interesados: O'CALLAGHAN, Joseph, The Gibraltar Crusade. Castile and the Battle for the Strait, University of Pennsylvania Press, Pennsylvania, 2010.
---We have just received one exemplar of the book The Gibraltar Crusade. Castile and the Battle for the Strait, of the professor emeritus of the Jesuitic University of New York, Fordham Univ., Joseph F. O'Callaghan. This study and research, edited by the University of Pennsylvania, go deep in the closest campaigns to the Strait during the Spanish Reconquest, since the African crusade of Alfonso X until 1492. Along the develop of the political history the author inserts some Compostelan facts, like the pilgrimage made by the monarch Sancho IV to Santiago. We want to thank the author; the work will be included in our library of support to researchers. Reference and link: O'CALLAGHAN, Joseph, The Gibraltar Crusade. Castile and the Battle for the Strait, University of Pennsylvania Press, Pennsylvania, 2010.