Archivium Sancti Iacobi es el blog del Área de Documentación Medieval del Archivo de la Catedral de Santiago (ADM-ACS). Un órgano de difusión de las actividades del Área, y de comunicación con la comunidad científica y los interesados en general ------ Archivium Sancti Iacobi é o blog da Área de Documentación Medieval do Arquivo da Catedral de Santiago (ADM-ACS). Un órgano de difusión das atividades do Área, e de comunicación coa comunidade científica e os interesados en xeral.
lunes, junio 28, 2010
Gonzalo de Aguilar, arzobispo compostelano en 1348-1351.

jueves, junio 17, 2010
Rentas y economía del siglo XV.
martes, junio 08, 2010
Enciclopedia del Camino y documentación medieval.
jueves, junio 03, 2010
Crónicas medievales. La Historia Compostelana.

Professor Dr. Dan Embree, of the Mississippi St. University, has made a research in the ACS, relative to the the project of Medieval Chronicles Series, about the study and edition of Latin medieval chronicles. This investigation has been pointed on the examination of the three copies of the Historia Compstelana that are guarded in the ACS -two of them of the fifteenth century and the another one of the sixteenth century- and that contain also copies of the Gesta Berengarii and the Chronicon Compostellanum. The results are being published on the internet web with the title of project Repertorium Chronicarum. A bibliography of the Manuscripts of Medieval Latin Chronicles. Previously we had made reference to this web, to its interest and content. It has been, for this reason, a pleasure for us the presence of the prof. Dr. Embree. As the web portal has changed the address we put the new link:
Repertorium Chronicarum. A bibliography of the Manuscripts of Medieval Latin Chronicles